Can chiropractors turn a breech baby?
“No,” I said. “I cannot turn your baby.”
My pregnant patient looked surprised. Maybe even a little disappointed.
“But we can get your body ready for baby to turn all on her own,” I added.
”Tell me more,” she said.
I explained the symphony of joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves and the pelvis that make up the environment for a developing baby. Each part needs to be harmoniously aligned and working correctly to create a safe growing space.
Luckily, chiropractic has a specific method for optimizing these functions. It’s called the Webster Technique.
Pregnant or soon-to-be? Dr. Karisa is a Webster-certified chiropractor who can prepare your body for an empowering birth.
“My first child was breech and I was determined to get my next baby in the right position for birth. I’m happy to say we accomplished a natural VBAC!”
-Viva Family Chiropractic Patient
Webster Technique for Pregnancy
Chiropractors developed Webster Technique to prepare pregnant women for birth. This is a simplified version of how it works:
The goal is to get the nervous system and pelvis back into its proper, balanced state
We do that with a series of gentle adjustments to the pelvis and low back region of the spine
Once we have alignment of the spine, the nervous system and surrounding muscles, ligaments and joints are able to move and function properly
Pregnant women can benefit many ways from this care: shorter labor times, reduced pain and less stress as your body takes on the monumental task of growing another human.
But what about breech babies?
Again, this technique does not “turn” the baby. But when the biomechanics of the pelvic region are fully optimized, the pelvis can open up and move without difficulty. That gives baby the space needed to turn naturally in preparation for birth.
Because when your body can do what it’s supposed to do, so can your baby.